Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Electricity can kill

Flooding can have major impacts on the eleamictricity network and your home. Electricity can kill, so it is essential that you take all necessary precautions to ensure your safety, and that of those around you. While it is not always easy to be prepared for flooding, here are some helpful tips:
(dampak besar jaringan listrk sangat penting tindakan pencegahan yang diperlukan menjamin)

During the flood
  • Never operate appliances in or near water. Do not operate electrical appliances or switches while standing in water or when you have bare feet.
  • Turn off your main switch (at the meter box) before the water arrives – if you can do so safely.
  • If your safety switch or circuit breakers have tripped during the flood, do not reset them but call an electrical contractor to test the wiring.
  • Take extra care around your switchboard if it's outdoors and wear synthetic or rubber-soled shoes. Unless you are completely sure of your switchboard's safety, stay clear and call your licensed electrical contractor.
After the flood
  • Wait until the house and appliances are totally dry before using anything.
  • If your premises has been inundated over electrical wiring, power outlets or other electrical installations (including switchboards), organise a licensed electrical contractor to check the premises as soon as flooding has abated.
  • All electrical appliances affected by water should be inspected by a licensed electrical contractor before use.
  • If your electricity was disconnected during the flood, the Distribution Entity (Ergon Energy, Energex etc) will need a certificate of test, clearing the premises for safety, from an electrical contractor before they will reconnect the power.
Your Distribution Entity is only responsible for the wiring up to the connection to the house. From that point on it is the premises owner’s responsibility to ensure wiring is safe. You must engage an electrical contractor to ensure that your home is electrically safe. Never try to undertake this work yourself.
Find an Electrical Contractor
To find your local Master Electrician use the free online booking service or call us on 1300 889 198. We will source the nearest Master Electrician or licensed Electrical Contractor to you.

Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

The death toll in the Queensland floods rises

A woman's body has been recovered from a house in Queensland's Lockyer Valley bringing the Australian flood death toll to 17.

Her body was found during a third search of a house in Grantham while 14 people remain missing.

Communities across Western Victoria are preparing for flooding as rivers and creeks continue to slowly rise.

So far at least 29 towns have been swamped and more than 13-thousand homes inundated

The clean-up continues across the north part of Australia's island state of Tasmania, after major flooding there also.

At least five hundred people who were forced to evacuate their homes during flooding in north western New South Wales, are heading home.

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Australian volunteers praised for tireless clean-up efforts

Thousands of volunteers around Brisbane and Ipswich have been praised for Saturday's tireless clean-up work as the cities continue mopping up after this week's devastating floods.
( Relawan  pujian takkenallelah pembersihan)

More than 7,000 registered volunteers and many thousands of unofficial volunteers turned out for what Queensland Premier Anna Bligh labelled 'Operation Compassion' on an overcast but largely rain-free day in the state's capital.
(ternyata cuaca mendung sebagian besar)

Brisbane Lord Mayor Campbell Newman said more than 11,500 people turned up at the four marshalling centres, joining 800 army personnel and 360 firefighters who were out hosing down the city.
(walikota muncul petugas pemadam kebakaran)

In Ipswich, more than 4,000 volunteers hit the streets alongside hundreds of soldiers and other emergency service workers as the city slowly regains some semblance of normalcy as shops are slowly restocking and roads like the Centenary Highway reopen.

Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Japan's first lady 'wouldn't marry PM again'

Japan's first lady has caused a stir, saying she would not marry her husband if she could live her life again.
(Ibu negara Jepang telah mengundang reaksi ramai setelah mengungkapkan ia tidak akan menikah dengan suaminya kalau boleh mengulangi hidupnya.)

The Prime Minister's wife described him as lacking dress sense and having no cooking skills.(tidak memiliki ketrampilan memasak)

Speaking to foreign reporters, Nobuko Kan said she preferred scolding her husband rather than encouraging him. 
(Ia juga mengakui dalam suatu konferensi pers , lebih sering memarahi suaminya ketimbang/daripada mendukungnya)

She also said she would not marry Naoto Kan if she had her time over again.

In a book she wrote last year, Mrs Kan described the prime minister as lacking dress sense and accused him of botching his first policy speech.

She joked to reporters that she had told her husband that his level of public support could not get any worse, quipping that there was no such thing as an approval rating less than zero.

Selasa, 11 Januari 2011

US says troops could stay on in Afghanistan beyond 2014

US Vice President Joe Biden says troops could stay in Afghanistan after 2014 if Afghans want them to.
(Wakil President ASTentara/pasukannya, )

He made the annoucement during a a surprise visit to the war-torn nation.

However Mr Biden also said the planned handover of responsibility for security from international troops to Afghan forces in four years is continuing.
(Serah terima Tanggung jawab)

There are about 97,000 United States troops in Afghanistan as part of an international contingent of about 140,000

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

South Korea to reopen tourist areas near border

South Korea says it will re-open tourist areas near the border with the communist North.(Korea Selatan mengatakan akan membuka kembali daerah-daerah wisata dekat perbatasan dengan Korea Utara.)

The sites were shut last year after Pyongyang shelled a border island killing four people, (Kawasan itu ditutup tahun lalu setelah Pyongyang menyerang sebuah pulau perbatasan  menewaskan empat orang.).

After the North Korean artillery barrage in November, Seoul shut tourist spots and observation posts along its border with the closed communist state. (setelah gempuran artileri Korea Utara November lalu, Seoul menutup tempat-tempat wisata dan pos observasi di sepanjang perbatasannya)..

Some have been re-opened, now the South says it'll again let tourists into the Imjingak observation posts along the western border.(Sebagian telah dibuka kembali, dan kini Korea Selatan mengatakan akan mengijinkan kembali wisatawan pergi ke pos-pos observasi di sepanjang perbatasan barat).

The area is popular among tourists because of its panoramic views of North Korea.(Kawasan itu populer di kalangan wisatawan karena pemandangan yang indah kearah Korea Utara.)

Pyongyang last week lowered its military alert status, prompting Seoul to do the same.(Pyongyang minggu lalu menurunkan status siaga militernya, dan Seoul kemudian melakukan hal yang sama.)

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

US lawmaker gravely injured in shooting

A US congresswoman is among a number of people who' ve been shot, (apparently by a lone gunman,) at a public event in Tuscon, Arizona.
(Seorang anggota Kongres Amerika termasuk diantara orang yang tertembak,(sepertinya/tampak seorang pria bersenjata) dalam suatu event umum di Tucson, Arizona.)

Six people were killed and 12 wounded in the shooting spree.(6 orang tewas dan 12 terluka dalam penembakan)              

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

Gillard visits flood ravaged Queensland towns

Australia's prime minister Julia Gillard has arrived in the north-eastern state of Queensland to inspect damage from the flood crisis.

She is currently in the town of St George where residents are preparing for the floodwaters to peak.

She will visit the flood ravaged city of Rockhampton later Saturday.

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

Australia to host 2015 Asian Cup

Australia has been named as the host of the 2015 Asian Cup for soccer.

The Asian Football Confederation announced the decision following a meeting in Doha.

Australia was the only nation that had put forward a bid to host the event.

The Chairman of the Football Federation of Australia, Frank Lowy says the hosting rights vindicated the decision to join the Asian confederation in 2006.

Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

Japan to open direct talks with North Korea

In a major shift of foreign policy, Japan says it's open to holding direct talks with North Korea this year. (Dalam perubahan politik luar negeri yang penting, Jepang mengatakan bahwa negara itu bersedia mengadakan pembicaraan-langsung dengan Korea Utara tahun ini.)

The two countries currently have no diplomatic relations.(kedua negara tidak mempunyai hubungan diplomatik.)

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Philippines floods claim at least 11 lives

Heavy rain in eastern, central and south-eastern Philippines have caused widespread  floods and landslides.
( Hujan lebat di Filipina Timur, Tengah dan Tenggara telah mengakibatkan banjir dan tanah longsor yang luas.)

At least 11 people have reportedly died in recent days, and seven people are missing.
(Sedikitnya sebelas orang dilaporkan tewas dalam beberapa hari ini, dan tujuh orang lainnya hilang.)

Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Blackbirds fall out of Arkansas sky

Officials are investigating why more than 1,000 birds - most of them dead - fell out of the sky in the US state of Arkansas on New Year's Eve.

The Arkansas Fish and Game Commission (AFGC) said it began receiving reports of the falling birds at about 23.30.
By midnight, more than 1,000 red-winged blackbirds had fallen in one area of the city of Beebe

Minggu, 02 Januari 2011


FACEBOOK? . ini dia Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (lahir 14 Mei 1984; umur 25 tahun). Anak dari Edward dan Karen Zuckerberg. Ia adalah seorang programer komputer dan pengusaha asal Amerika Serikat. Menjadi kaya di umurnya yang relatif muda karena berhasil mendirikan dan mengembangkan situs jaringan sosial Facebook di saat masih kuliah dengan bantuan teman Harvardnya   Andrew McCollum  dan  teman sekamarnya Dustin 
Moskovitz dan Crish Hughes.