Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

US lawmaker gravely injured in shooting

A US congresswoman is among a number of people who' ve been shot, (apparently by a lone gunman,) at a public event in Tuscon, Arizona.
(Seorang anggota Kongres Amerika termasuk diantara orang yang tertembak,(sepertinya/tampak seorang pria bersenjata) dalam suatu event umum di Tucson, Arizona.)

Six people were killed and 12 wounded in the shooting spree.(6 orang tewas dan 12 terluka dalam penembakan)              

After initial reports that congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords had died of head wounds, a hospital spokeswoman now says she's still alive in surgery.( dilaporkan bahwa Gabrielle Giffords meninggal karena luka di kepala, tapi menurut jurubicara rumahsakit, anggota Kongres dari partai Demokrat itu masih hidup tapi dalam keadaan kritis/opersi.)

Michael Brissenden reports the Democrat member from Arizona's eighth congressional district, was shot while hosting an event at a supermarket in north-west Tucson.(Gifford ditembak oleh seorang pria bersenjata dalam acara temu warga di sebuah supermarket di Tucson.)

Ms Giffords has held several similar events since she first took office in 2007.

At one event in 2009, a protestor was removed by police when his pistol fell on the supermarket floor.(Dalam suatu event serupa yang diadakannya di tahun 2009, seorang pemrotes dibawa pergi polisi setelah pistol yang dibawanya jatuh.)

Last year, her office was vandalised just a few hours after the House voted to introduce the new health reform bill.(Tahun lalu kantornya diobrak-abrik/dirusak orang hanya beberapa jam setelah DPR memutuskan untuk memberlakukan rancangan undang-undang perombakan kesehatan)

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